Dental Injury Timeline
Memories fade with time and it is important that you make a dental injury timeline for your future dental malpractice attorney. Prepare a typed document with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of your treating dentists for the past 10 years. List the dates for every dental procedure you can recall receiving (what you cannot recall can be filled in later with your dental records). The most important part of the dental timeline is the treatment you received from the negligent dentist and the names of all dental associates providing you dental treatment in the negligent dentist's office. The dental timeline will be helpful to your dental malpractice attorney in determining the following:
- your statute of limitations;
- when to send your "90-Day Letter of Intent”;
- to whom your dental malpractice attorney should send your "90-Day Letter of Intent”;
- the inclusive dates of treatment with the negligent dentist for the dental malpractice complaint; and
- to provide the dental malpractice attorney with basic information which will be needed during litigation.